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by Lara Hocheiser September 25, 2020 3 min read

Learn how to do the sun salutation -modified for children 

The sun salutations are a set of postures that help prepare the mind and body for concerted effort, such as doing more challenging poses with longer hold, or classically, in preparation to sit in meditation.

In a children's yoga class setting, they offer a memorable, predictable opportunity to get into the breath and body. They help children with excess energy to express the energy, and therefore prepare to listen/receive the lessons with ease.

If children feel lethargic, they can be a great wake-me up.

Modifications for safe sun salutations

The sun salutation pose sequence can be a challenge for adults and children because it requires us to hold plank and low push up positions.

Many people can’t do those positions safely so to protect kids’ growing bodies, I made a safer variation for them.

This child-safe sun salutation skips the poses where form often suffers and instead replaces them with poses more people can do to make it safe and accessible.

Want to give it a try?Print out your FREE sun salutations poster and follow along while watching my video!

Watch the sun salutation for kids video 

includes the rhyming lyrics!

Sun salutation tips:

🌞 Do the sequence slowly the first time, learning the form of the poses

🌞 Go a little quicker the second time, adding the poetry line for each pose as a  call-and-response

🌞 Do it a third time, using the poetry again as a call-and-response

🌞 Once the children have it memorized, have them take turns teaching it. Bonus if they can remember without looking at the words!

🌞 Use a rhythmic voice

🌞 After practicing, have everyone take a mindful seat and turn their attention inward. 

Sun Salutations Pose for Kids

Questions to ask:

☝ What do you notice about your temperature? 

☝ What do you notice about your overall energetic state? 

☝ Do you feel more energized?

☝ Take a few moments to allow the children to discuss their experience.


If the children noticed they felt more awake and yet relaxed, you can point to the sun salutation as a good possible activity to do before something important, such as a big test. Or even as a way to start their mindful morning routine. 

A sun salutations study showed a group of students who practiced daily movement using the sun salutations flow for only two weeksreported a quiet mind, feelings of rest and joy, and less worry” compared to a group who did not practice. Bringing the mind and body together helps boost mood and awareness. 


What time of day is your favorite time to practice sun salutations for kids. Leave a comment with your answer!


Learn more about teaching mindfulness & self-care to children 

sun salutation for kids

Benefits of the sun salutation for kids 

  • Warms the body, preparing it for longer holds 
  • Improved flexibility, especially when repeated at least 3 times
  • Builds memory, so children will not have to think too hard when they are trying to recall the pose sequence, especially because of the rhyme pattern
  • Energizing without dis-regulating children 
  • Promotes a balance of energy and alertness 
  • Over time, teaches children to coordinate the breath with the postures or asana
  • When done in conjunction with standing poses and cooling poses, such as the moon salutation or supine floor poses, provides a well-balanced class.

Recommended Kids Yoga Products 

Purchase the Sun Salutation Yoga Cards

Sun salutations for kids yoga cards and instructions - illustrated

Purchase the empower and Calm Teacher Bundle


empower and Calm Teacher Bundle


Purchase the Spring Kids Yoga Lesson Plan and Cards

Spring yoga pose cards and lesson plan infographic


Have any questions and thoughts to share? Leave them in the comments :)

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