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by Lara Hocheiser June 11, 2019 2 min read

A mindfulness activity for kids, adults, and educators

Blog updated on April 13, 2023

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Flow and Grow Kids Yoga family,

As the founder of F&G, as well as a yogi and mindfulness practitioner and proponent, I try to hold myself accountable. Taking a few moments to integrate yoga and mindfulness practices into my daily life has made it qualitatively better. The following is a short excerpt from my mindfulness diary for you to learn about a practice we do in my house called The 5 Breath Space Maker.

“Dear Mindfulness Diary,

I am done walking the dog. I took off her leash. Put my wallet and keys in the bucket by the door. Removed my baby wearing coat and the Moby baby carrier, and put the baby down. I took off my headphones. I stopped the podcast titled, “Grownups Read Stuff They Wrote as Kids,” and put down my phone. I decided to use my attention to mark that one thing was ending and another was about to begin. I mentally noted the end of the walk, breathing steadily, and took a moment to notice I was grateful for the walk. I felt a wave of peace come over my body as I slowed down to say goodbye to one thing before starting another. There was a small moment in between. That space… that was mindfulness at work.

My husband told me the 5 Breath Space Maker has been improving his mood as well. When I remember to practice the space maker myself, I feel lighter. The stress rolls off. Thank you, mindfulness practices for helping my family and me.”

How to Practice The 5 Breath Space Maker

  1. Upon completing one activity, take a moment to close it out.

  2. Put away objects relating to the activity you completed.

  3. Mentally be done with the activity by noting to yourself, “I am done.” Or “This is complete.”

  4. Take 5 slow, smooth, deep breaths. This is the space maker.

  5. Express gratitude for the previous activity, mentally or by speaking aloud. (If you are with your child or if anyone is listening, speaking is a way to model gratitude!)

  6. Mentally note the next activity is going to begin shortly.

  7. Notice how you feel.

The 5 Breath Space Maker

Watch the Mindfulness Activity!

Benefits of this activity:

  • Focusing on one thing at a time fully
  • Develop and appreciation for what you experience
  • Organizing your physical space
  • Calming and focusing your mental space
  • Being mindful
  • Mindful transitions
  • Less anxiety about transitions
  • Feeling less rushed/hurried

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