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by Lara Hocheiser September 11, 2020 4 min read

Mindful Mornings Together

As adults, many of us have planners or calendars that include appointments, work commitments, and to-do lists that are miles long. But how often do we include scheduling in time for self-care practices? How often do we model self-care for our children? 

“I can’t handle one more task…”

Since the pandemic began, finding time to care for ourselves has become more stressful.Now more than ever it is important we make a habit of prioritizing self-care for ourselves and the children we love. Why not create a short, formal routine for happier, healthier mornings? Doing so will demonstrate the importance of taking care of our health prior to starting school or work. Not only does a mindful morning routine of self-care activities help adults and children feel better, it helps us perform better as well!“Self-care teaches us to be kind to ourselves. The benefits to both kids and adults are profound: such as increased self-knowledge, confidence, and better decision-making skills”.


Printable Download Alert:

Our ‘Mindful Morning Routine Tracker’ worksheet helps you and the children you care for track specific self-care practices such as breathing, fitness, and gratitude.

Fill in the chart with your own tasks in the blank spaces to set weekly goals that are unique to you and the children you care for. Researchers have proven that if you write down your goalsyou are 42% more likely to achieve them. Even just spending five minutes a day gets you that much closer to having a more productive life! 


Print your Mindful Morning Routine Tracker now! 

Little m Mindfulness in the Morning

Practicing Little m Mindfulness helps us focus and stay present. What better way to continue practicing Little m Mindfulness than with your Mindful Morning Routine activities?

Self-Care Challenge:Start with yourself! Make a goal of staying completely present and focused while practicing your breathing, fitness, gratitude, and personalized self-care activities for one week. Together with the children in your life, create a schedule of mindful morning activities to track on your Mindful Morning Routine Tracker! Coach your children to remain present in their bodies and minds while completing their activities! Ask them to notice how they feel. The ultimate goal is for children to eventually continue these healthy habits of self-care activities and staying present on their own! 

Routine = sustainable = new healthy habits = :)

Kids benefit greatly from the daily routines they have at school. Wellness routines extend that structure into the home. They can be taught by parents, caregivers, clinicians, teachers, whether virtually or in person.The more we practice something, the easier it becomes to do. We can build a sustainable morning routine with the children we love by spending just a few minutes each morning.  Will you commit to implementing a special, healthy start to the day before the morning bell rings? Before you dive into a session or activity? Will you commit to challenging the children in your life to start a mindful morning ritual at home to start their day off right?


👉 Download Mindful Mornings Routine Tracker

👉 Reflect on your own personal self-care routine

👉 Use the Tracker to start a Mindful Morning routine for yourself

👉 Use the Tracker to start a Mindful Morning routine with the children in your life

👉 Take time to reflect with children how self care practices makes them feel

👉 Reflect on how time management helps add balance during times of stress

👉 Share your experience! #selfcaresaturday 



What’s coming next week? The future emails you receive will provide you with specific breathing, fitness, gratitude activities and more, which you can practice with your children daily as part of your self care schedule! 

Next week’s #selfcaresaturday will include an energizing and empowering breathing activity that is the perfect way to jumpstart your day! 

Want to get in on the #selfcaresaturday fun?Subscribe now!

Missed last week’s #selfcaresaturday?Read now! 

Let us know how it’s going!Tag us @flowandgrowyoga on instagram and use #selfcaresaturday when you post pictures or videos using your Mindful Morning Routine Tracker! Or reply here to tell us about your experiences! Photos are always welcome!


Want to learn more about teaching mindfulness & self-care to children? 



Trainings, Courses, & Workshops:

The Foundations of Children’s Yoga: (18 hour teacher training) Learn the skills and confidence to teach yoga and mindfulness to children. Our comprehensive training focuses on yoga, mindfulness, and the social-emotional development of children. Graduates will leave our training equipped with new tools to create engaging and captivating yoga experiences for kids of all ages. Graduates receive our comprehensive Kids Yoga Teacher Training PDF manual and a Certificate of Completion.

Integrating Mindfulness into the School Day: This course explores how to practice little m mindfulness. Whether you are working in a school or not, this workshop will help you create a structure around mindfulness, breathing, and self-regulation in your work with children. Take it live online, or catch the replay

Self-Care for Children: In this course, we explore a framework for self-care for children, while examining your own practices. Take it live, or catch the replay!

95-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher TrainingParticipate in 11 unique courses to complete your 95-hour training, or take individual courses as you wish! Register for individual classes or the full training. You must take all 11 courses to become RCYT or a Certified Children's Yoga Teacher. If you can't make the classes live, it's ok. Right now, the Yoga Alliance is allowing live or pre-recorded trainings to count toward contact hours for your 95-Hour Registered Children's Yoga Certification! If you certify that you viewed the classes, you can still use the hours for continued education or toward your 95-hour certificate. Fall cohort begins October 1st!

Products we Recommend 

My Body and Caring for Myself

How to Integrate Mindfulness into the School Day

Empowerment Cards and Lesson Plan

Love and Compassion for Teens and Tweens

Time for Me Calming Cards

Mindful Moments Cards

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