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by Kane SEO January 20, 2025 4 min read

Yoga has been a way to promote balance and harmony for centuries, helping people improve their flexibility, strength, and mental focus. One of the many poses in yoga is the Seated Twist, also known as Half Lord of the Fishes Pose. This is a great pose for improving flexibility in your spine and easing tension in your back. It can also help detoxify your body, improve digestion, and help you breathe more deeply. If you want to add this powerful twist to your routine, here’s a simple guide to performing theSeated Twist Pose with the right form and alignment.

Benefits of the Seated Twist Yoga Pose

Before we get into the instructions, let’s take a quick look at some of the benefits of this pose. Practicing the Seated Twist Yoga Pose regularly can help you:

  1. Spinal Flexibility and Mobility:The twisting motion helps increase flexibility in the spine and shoulders.

  2. Improved Digestion:The compression and release of the abdominal area stimulate digestive organs and promote detoxification.

  3. Relief from Lower Back Pain:The gentle twist targets the lower back, stretching the spine and relieving discomfort.

  4. Stress Relief: Like most yoga poses, the Seated Twist is calming and can reduce tension in the mind and body, promoting relaxation.

  5. Enhanced Posture: This pose engages the back muscles and encourages proper alignment in daily life.

Now that you know the benefits, let’s learn how to perform the Seated Twist Yoga Pose with mindfulness and awareness.

Step-by-Step Instructions for the Seated Twist Yoga Pose

Seated Twist Yoga Pose

1. Prepare Your Space and Body
Find a quiet, comfortable place to practice yoga. Use a yoga mat for support, and maybe a blanket or cushion to sit on for extra comfort. Sit with your legs straight in front of you, keeping your back tall and your chest open. Take a few deep breaths to relax and release any tension.

2. Set the Foundation
Bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on the floor near your left thigh. Keep your left leg straight or bend it a little for a deeper stretch. You can sit on a cushion or blanket to help tilt your pelvis forward and keep your spine neutral.

3. Engage Your Core
To stay stable and protect your lower back, gently pull your belly button toward your spine. This will help lengthen your spine and make your twist more effective. Sit tall, relax your shoulders, and keep your neck in line with your spine.

4. Twist the Upper Body
Inhale to lengthen your spine, then exhale as you twist your upper body to the right. Place your left hand on your right knee or thigh, and put your right hand behind you on the floor for support. Keep your right shoulder relaxed, not lifted towards your ear. Twist from your torso, not just your neck or lower back.

5. Deepen the Twist
Once in the twist, keep your chest open and look over your right shoulder. Hold the position for a few breaths, deepening the twist with each exhale. Don’t push too hard—your twist should feel deep but not painful. If you feel discomfort, ease out of the twist a little.

6. Hold and Breathe
Stay in the twist for about 5-10 breaths. With each inhale, lengthen your spine; with each exhale, twist a little deeper. Breathe slowly and don’t rush.

7. Release the Pose
When you’re ready, slowly unwind from the twist, inhaling to come back to the center. Take a moment to reset your spine and breathe deeply. Then, repeat the twist on the other side, switching legs to balance the stretch.

Tips for a Safe and Effective Seated Twist Yoga Pose

  • Warm-up: Warming up before doing twisting poses is very important. It helps prepare your muscles and joints so they are ready for the movement. Start by doing some gentle forward bends, side stretches, or seated cat-cow stretches. These movements will help loosen up your spine and make it more flexible, making twisting poses easier and safer to do.

  • Avoid Over-Twisting: It’s important not to force your body into a deep twist. Always listen to how your body feels and only twist as far as it is comfortable. Pushing yourself too far can lead to strain, especially in the lower back and neck. Go slow and don’t rush into a deeper twist than your body is ready for.

  • Use Props: If you have tight hips or hamstrings, using props like a yoga block, cushion, or folded blanket can help make the pose easier. Sitting on these props can make you feel more supported and comfortable, allowing you to do the twist with less effort and more ease.

  • Stay Engaged: Make sure to keep your core muscles engaged while doing twisting poses. This helps protect your spine and prevents unnecessary strain or injury. A strong core supports your back and allows you to twist safely and with control.


The Seated TwistYoga Pose is an excellent addition to any yoga practice. It offers a myriad of benefits, from improving spinal flexibility to promoting digestive health and relieving stress. By following the step-by-step instructions and incorporating the tips mentioned above, you can safely perform the Seated Twist Yoga Pose and enjoy its therapeutic effects. Remember to approach the pose with patience, mindfulness, and respect for your body’s limits. With consistent practice, you’ll deepen your twist and unlock even greater benefits from this powerful yoga posture. At Flow & Grow Kids Yoga, we encourage you to explore these poses and incorporate them into your practice to help children and adults alike experience the full benefits of yoga.


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