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by Lara Hocheiser September 01, 2020 3 min read

Ah, fall -- it's a time of apple cider, pumpkin spice, jumping in leaf piles and coming together with loved ones in gratitude for Thanksgiving. It's also a time of change; the Earth is preparing for the dormant time of winter. Leaves fall, animals fatten up to be ready to hibernate, and there's a new chill in the air. Fall can be a time when we note our relationship to change; can we embrace it as a natural part of life, or do we cling to things being as they currently are? 

Some of the most settled, self-aware adults have trouble embracing change, nevermind children who often seek comfort in what's familiar to them. Particularly with social/emotional challenges or learning disabilities, the smallest change to daily routine can bring a tantrum. This year, as families handle the changes and uncertainty that COVID has brought, all of that is even more challenging. But yoga and mindfulness can help! 


Yoga, at its essence, is about finding a place of inner calm and joy despite the nature of one's outer environment and circumstances. Supporting that are the yogic concepts of satya (truthfulness/objectivity), santosha (contentment), aparigraha (non-grasping or non-attachment), and tapas (consistent work towards a goal or vision, whatever external conditions may be). Mindfulness practices, breathwork, asana (posture) practice, and even daily lifestyle choices (for instance, healthy and nourishing food choices) can all support the building of these values, habits, mindsets. 

These are certainly complex concepts. How do we translate them into a form that are accessible to, and which resonate with, kids and youth? The answer is to funnel it through things that appeal to them. That'll vary for different age groups. For example, to discuss the concept of embracing change through the lens of fall with preschoolers, they already love animals, nature, and the seasons. A fall-themed sequence including Falling Leaf Pose, Tree Pose, and Mountain Pose could excite and engage them. The mantra "I am changing" helps all to embrace change. Teachers could weave in straightforward, accessible messages about how just as nature is changing with the seasons, our lives change -- and that's okay! In fact, it can be great! 

Much of that could work with elementary-aged children, adjusted as appropriate (use your judgement and awareness of the kids you're working with). Teens and pre-teens are old enough to get a little deeper into the yogic philosophy, into those aforementioned yogic concepts relating to embracing change. Flow and Grow Kids Yoga has a lesson plan and a training for that! Science integration lessons plans with yoga and mindfulness -- such as with the Earth tilting on its axis to create the seasons, leaves losing their chlorophyll in the fall, and animals' hibernating cycle  -- are possible. Try poses, movements, and games applying to the science lesson at hand. Have fun with it!

We also have an Empowerment Lesson Plan, to give kids tools for positive thinking and physical strength with the start of the new school year. Teachers and caretakers can also link yoga and mindfulness with fall holidays to encourage the health and happiness of kids and their families. Halloween can bring lessons in moderation (brahmacharya in yoga philosophy), mindful eating, and using judgement to stay safe, for example. Our Spooky Halloween Lesson Plan gives us a predictable, fun activity to do to look forward to a holiday we love. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to come back to gratitude and the things that really matter -- family, friends, good food, and comforting times together (we have a lesson plan for that, too!).

We can also link fall-themed arts and crafts activitieswith mindfulness, as well, such as through encouraging patience, listening, and staying present in the joy of the creative moment (though, often, adults can use that lesson more than kids can!). Lastly, a good nature walk is always a time to encourage appreciation of nature, embracing the ways it changes through the seasons, and the value of staying present.

It's no doubt a challenging year for all of us. Yet perhaps fall has a lot to teach us -- kids, youth, parents, caretakers, educators, administrators, and more; perhaps fall can remind us that change is the only constant, and that the more we can adapt to it and embrace, the more joy and success we can find. The challenges out there are undeniable. Yet embracing change and finding more joy, despite the world around us, can't hurt. In fact, in some cases, it could make all the difference. Flow and Grow Kids Yoga is here to help!

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