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by Kane SEO December 24, 2024 5 min read

Christmas is a time for joy, celebration, and giving, and it’s also a great opportunity to do fun activities that help kids relax, stay active, and improve their physical and mental health. What better way to embrace the Christmas spirit than with some festive yoga poses for kids? Yoga helps children build strength, flexibility, and focus, while also teaching them mindfulness and calmness.We’ll share five fun Christmas-themed yoga poses for kids, along with printable yoga cards to make learning these poses both fun and easy.

Love XMAS activities? Get the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ yoga song and pose sequence.

5 Christmas Yoga Poses for Kids

1. Tree Pose (Christmas Tree Pose)

One of the most iconic Christmas symbols is the Christmas tree, and what better way to embody the holiday than with theTree Pose?

How to do it:

  1. Start by standing tall with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
  2. Shift your weight to your left foot, and gently lift your right foot, placing the sole of your foot on your left thigh or calf (avoid placing it directly on your knee).
  3. Press your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer position or raise them overhead like the branches of a Christmas tree.
  4. Hold the pose, balancing like a Christmas tree for a few breaths, then switch sides.


  • Improves balance and concentration.
  • Strengthens the legs and core.
  • Encourages stability and calmness.

Kids can imagine themselves as a tall, strong Christmas tree swaying gently in the breeze. To make it more fun, you can add a “decorating” element by having the children imagine placing ornaments on their branches.

2. Reindeer Pose (Camel Pose)

Reindeer are a symbol of Christmas cheer, and theCamel Pose is a fantastic way for kids to stretch their front body and improve flexibility.

How to do it:

  1. Start by kneeling on the floor with your knees hip-width apart.
  2. Place your hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward.
  3. Gently lean back, reaching for your heels with your hands, and lift your chest towards the sky.
  4. Look up and hold the pose for a few breaths.
  5. To come out of the pose, gently return your chest to neutral and sit back down on your heels.


  • Opens up the chest, improving breathing.
  • Stretches the front body, hips, and thighs.
  • Increases flexibility and mobility.

Encourage kids to imagine themselves as strong reindeer, ready to carry Santa’s sleigh across the sky!

3. Snowman Pose (Child's Pose)

The Snowman Pose is a variation of the traditionalChild’s Pose Yoga, where kids can imagine themselves as a cozy, snowy snowman.

How to do it:

  1. Begin by kneeling on the floor with your big toes touching and knees apart.
  2. Slowly lower your torso down towards the floor, resting your forehead on the ground.
  3. Extend your arms in front of you, with palms facing down, or you can wrap them behind you for a more relaxed position.
  4. Breathe deeply and relax, imagining you are a snowman resting after a busy day of playing in the snow.


  • Encourages relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Stretches the back and hips.
  • Helps children practice deep breathing.

This pose is great for calming down after a busy holiday season, and kids can imagine themselves resting like a peaceful snowman on a snowy winter day.

4. Star Pose (Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

Christmas lights and stars are often a central theme of the holiday season, and the Star Pose is a fun way for kids to stretch and feel energetic.

How to do it:

  1. Start by standing tall with your legs wide apart, feet turned out slightly.
  2. Reach your arms wide out to the sides, making a star shape with your body.
  3. Slowly fold forward from the hips, keeping your arms extended and your legs straight. If your flexibility allows, try to touch the floor with your hands.
  4. Hold for a few breaths and slowly come back up.


  • Stretches the hamstrings and back.
  • Improves balance and flexibility.
  • Helps to energize and stretch the body.

This pose can be particularly fun for kids when they pretend to be shining, sparkling stars in the Christmas sky!

5. Santa’s Sleigh Pose (Seated Forward Fold)

Santa’s sleigh is an essential part of the holiday season, and theSeated Forward Fold is the perfect pose to stretch the body and imagine soaring through the sky.

How to do it:

  1. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Inhale, lengthening your spine.
  3. Exhale and slowly reach your hands toward your feet, trying to touch your toes or just place your hands on your shins.
  4. Keep your back straight and breathe deeply as you fold forward.
  5. Hold for a few breaths and gently come back up.


  • Stretches the hamstrings, spine, and back.
  • Encourages flexibility and focus.
  • Helps release tension in the body.

As kids practice this pose, they can imagine themselves sitting in Santa’s sleigh, flying high in the sky with gifts for everyone.

Printable Cards for Kids

To make practicing these Christmas Yoga poses even more fun for kids, you can use Christmas Yoga PosePrintable Cards. These cards are a great way to guide kids through each pose and help them remember the names and steps in a fun, easy way. The cards are simple and interactive, making yoga more enjoyable for kids.

The cards can show pictures of the poses along with simple instructions on how to do them. You can also add little holiday-themed tips or prompts, like "Imagine you’re a strong reindeer flying through the sky!" or "Feel the sparkles of the Christmas star as you stretch!"

These cards let kids practice the poses on their own or with friends and family, and they’re a fun, festive addition to any Christmas celebration or holiday activity.

 Want more holiday fun? Grab the Winter Sequence Yoga Cards and Lesson Plans for Kids orthe printable winter yoga coloring book.

Have someone you want to thank? Enjoy our printable winter-themed yoga thank you coloring cards!


Christmas is a time for fun, joy, and togetherness. Christmas Yoga Poses for Kids are a great way to get children moving, while also helping them relax, focus, and have fun during the holiday season. Whether they’re balancing like a Christmas tree or stretching like Santa’s sleigh, kids will love connecting with the holiday spirit through yoga.

To make it easier and more fun for kids, you can use Printable Cards for Kids to guide them through the poses and help them remember the steps. These cards can be used at home, at school, or even at a holiday party, creating healthy and happy memories.

Want more ideas for getting your kids involved in yoga this Christmas? Check outFlow and Grow Kids Yoga for more activities and resources. Let’s make this Christmas season both joyful and fun

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