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by Lara Hocheiser June 20, 2016 1 min read

Warrior I

In our first kid’s yoga pose of the week, we present the strong Warrior I pose. This pose inspires courageousness & strength of body and mind. While taking this stance, think proudly, “I am powerful”

Warrior I Kids Yoga Poses

Pose: Warrior I
Ages:Older kids and teens. Appropriate for toddler and preschoolers too, expect less attention to detail and have fun with it!
Mantra: I am Powerful

We love teaching this pose to children because it makes your entire body feel strong, from the ankles to thighs, reaching through the chest and fingertips. This pose is perfect for older kids and teenagers to promote stability and strength.

How to:

  1. Stand at the beginning of the mat. Take a big step back with one foot.

  2. Breathe evenly and calmly, becoming aware of the moment.

  3. Take in a deep breath. As you exhale, bend your front knee so that it comes directly over top your ankle.

  4. Press your weight through your back heel. Take notice of this position - make sure your heel stays planted on the ground. If you find it moving off the mat, realign and tighten your stance.

  5. Take a deep breath and reach up strongly through your arms. Reach for the sky, palms facing each other!

  6. Keep grounded - press down through your back foot, keeping your back leg straight.

  7. Hold the pose, taking deep breaths. You are powerful.


  • Stretches the whole front side of the body, including the thighs, ankles, and back

  • Develops stamina, balance, and coordination

  • Creates deep concentration by focusing on the foundation of the pose from the ground up - strong like a warrior!

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